
morediversity gGmbH
Zimmerstrasse 79/80
10117 Berlin

Charlottenburg Local Court
HRB 247418 B
Management: Martina van Hettinga
Responsible for the content: Martina van Hettinga

Contact: [email protected]


Non-profit status

MoreDiversity gGmbH (HRB 247418 B Amtsgericht Charlottenburg) is recognised as a non-profit organisation by the tax office for corporate bodies in Berlin with the tax number 27/614/05337/F33 (last notice dated 25.4.2023).

Limitation of liability for own contents

All contents of our website have been prepared carefully and to the best of our knowledge. However, we cannot guarantee that all pages are up-to-date, complete and correct. Pursuant to § 7 para. 1 TMG (German Telemedia Act), as a service provider we are responsible for our own content on these pages in accordance with the general laws, but are not obliged to monitor the transmitted or stored third-party information in accordance with §§ 8 to 10 TMG. Immediate removal of this content takes place from the time we become aware of a concrete infringement of the law and we are not liable before the time we become aware of it.

Limitation of liability for external content

Our website contains links to websites of third parties over whose content we have no influence and for which we therefore accept no liability. The respective information provider of the linked website is responsible for the content and accuracy of the information. Should we become aware of any infringement, we will remove the respective link immediately.


The contents and works published on this website are subject to German copyright law. Any kind of duplication, processing, distribution or any form of utilisation beyond the scope of copyright law requires the prior written consent of the respective author or creator.


Design by Troels Sondergaard

Programmed by webcoon


morediversity gGmbH