About us

As a non-profit organization, we are committed to a more diverse society: fair representation, equal opportunity, and democracy.

On our platform, we share stories and examples of personalities and projects that are already working hard for more diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion. Together, we want to break through traditional role models and prejudices – from the daycare center to the boardroom, from the individual to politics and business. We want to initiate and support a change in thinking at all levels.

Our Vision

We believe in a society in which all people, regardless of gender, skin color, origin, sexual orientation, religion or disability, are given equal opportunities and are represented.

A society in which everyone can live freely and has freedom of choice. A society that values and lives democracy.

Our mission

Anti-discrimination: We say no to all forms of discrimination and actively fight against structural and individual racism, sexism and all other forms of discrimination.

Equal opportunities: We fight for equal opportunities in education, work and life for all people, regardless of their individual conditions and life realities.

Diversity & Inclusion: We actively promote diversity and ensure that all voices are heard, seen and valued.

Our values

Respect: We advocate for respectful interactions where differences are valued rather than devalued.
Solidarity: We stand together, supporting each other and those who need our support. Only with a strong movement behind us can each individual make a difference!
Openness: We are open to new ideas, cultures and people who enrich us and show us new perspectives.

Our clear position

We clearly say no to AFD and other organizations and individuals who promote xenophobia, racism, sexism and discrimination.
Our platform is a safe space, free from hate and intolerance. Any form of discrimination is not welcome here.

Join us. If you, just like us, want to believe in a better, more inclusive and diverse future, become part of our movement. Let’s stand together for a society where everyone gets the place they deserve – where everyone counts.


We are a team of like-minded people: We all believe that seriously promoting diversity in all areas of society is one of the central issues of our time. At the same time, we are seekers, finders, and stumblers – we don’t have a magic formula, but we want to fill our platform with as diverse voices as possible and let those who are committed to diversity, equal opportunity, and inclusion have their say. Also, we are (still) predominantly white and cisgender. We are aware of our privileged identities and positions. The fact that the majority of us are volunteers also implies a certain privileged status. Yet, it is important for us to be active ourselves. This is also our privilege, which we would like to use to change society.

If you would also like to support us, please contact us at [email protected].


Andisheh is trainer and consultant for strategical HR and Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging. She founded DASTAN Consulting and enables companies to create a modern and inclusive work environment. Over the past eight years, she helped start-ups and companies to implement modern HR processes and grow with highly functional teams. Borned in Iran and raised in Germany as an immigrant, Andisheh combines her personal experiences as Woman of Colour and and professional expertise as Business Trainer to enable companies to understand diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging as a crucial part of their success story. Her goal is to create more visibility against racism and discrimination. As the civil rights activist Angela Y. Davis says, 'In a racist society, it is not enough to be non-racist, we must be anti-racist.

Anna Sauter-Getschmann (she/her)

Anna arrived in Germany from Poland 12 years ago and has been involved in various social projects for minority groups in recent years alongside her work as a consultant. As a woman and migrant, it is natural for her to deal with the topic of diversity and to work for a more equal and inclusive society.
Her commitment to MoreDiversity is based on a desire to change the status quo. She believes that it is time, even overdue, to set new standards in which every voice is equal and heard.

Annelie Schütt (she/her)

Annelie is a trainer and consultant for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. She has been working on the topics of equity and equal opportunities in a professional context for many years. She advises companies on how to generate more equality, especially in management positions, and how diversity can be not just a concept, but a lived practice.
Her aim is to create fair cooperation at eye level and to rethink traditional role models. Annelie is firmly convinced that every person can contribute to the big picture. For her, a willingness to change, empathy and openness are the key to a fairer world. Making mistakes is part of the process and allows us to grow, which is why she always encourages people to tell their stories.

Belinda Duvinage (she/her)

Belinda is, among other things, a journalist, communications expert and moderator, and has long been committed to promoting a diverse society and equality in all areas of life.
At MoreDiversity, she supports the editorial team on a voluntary basis with her many years of experience. She is convinced that the current political and economic situation requires more than ever a joint stand for diversity and equality, that companies also have a special duty here, and that diversity is not a "nice to have" but an existential necessity in order to develop and implement solutions for the complex crises of our time.
Or to put it in Belinda's words, "More perspectives increase solution space. Always!"

Bernardin Generalao (he/him)

Bernardin's life journey celebrates diversity and embraces change as opportunities for growth. From his upbringing in the Philippines to his adventures in Germany, USA, and Switzerland, Bernardin's ability to thrive in diverse cultures has fueled his passion for inclusivity. His capability to adapt and face adversity with unwavering resilience has shaped his positive mindset. As a father of two, he is motivated to build a more equitable world for future generations. By contributing as a volunteer to MoreDiversity, his goal is to drive change, foster equity, and make a difference – for good. 

Jonas Kwaschik (he/him)

Jonas is an entrepreneur, product manager and dad. He has always found it appealing to put on rather many hats once and to look at the world through different glasses. So he has had a wild journey through an intense time as a musician, startup life and studies in Swabia at Lake Constance or a small excursion into administrative reform. But also engagements for the Global Commons in Philadelphia and a Global Marshall Plan or something more local of a community foundation in Potsdam. In everyday life, it is mainly the now German-Polish family and the exciting task of bringing two cultures together. MoreDiversity appeals to him primarily because it contains a very important premise: We can create a world together where everyone can reach their full potential! Because progress is not just technology, but above all our will to want to live in a better society.

Karine Santos (she/her)

Karine was born in Brazil and has always been a science enthusiast. Germany has, on the one hand, offered her the opportunity to study in some of the world’s finest institutions via student grants but, on the other, showed her how difficult it is to thrive in a foreign, male-dominated academic environment when you are a female Latin American. From her academic years in Brazil, Germany, France and China, Karine believes that science needs a great deal more diversity to prosper and keep its ability to adapt knowledge in the face of changing environments as well as to cater to all potential target groups. She dedicates her life to bringing scientific innovations from the lab bench to patients. As a volunteer to MoreDiversity, she believes that by acknowledging historical inequities and biases, we can together foster inclusion and learn to accommodate plural perspectives in medical sciences to best promote health awareness.

Martina van Hettinga (she/her)

As a managing director in the private sector, investor, member of the supervisory board and mother of twins, she is firmly convinced that we can only achieve diversity and equal opportunities in the long term with a sustainable change in society as a whole - from the daycare center to the boardroom - and that we still have a long way to go here in Germany. That is why she wants to contribute to this change with the team and network of MoreDiversity and work for a colorful, equal opportunity and inclusive society.

Nina Rossmann (she/her)

Nina lives and works as a freelance PR copywriter and journalist in Berlin. Since having children, she is more convinced than ever that outdated role and social images belong in the trash – even if it is sometimes not so easy to outsmart the inner patriarchy. Nina believes that only a diverse and equal opportunity society is sustainable. That's why she helped build MoreDiversity from the beginning and volunteered as editorial director. Nina writes and works especially on the topics of feminism and study & career planning, most recently for fluter, taz, t3n, ZEIT Studienführer and ZEIT Promotion.

Reiss Laing (he/him)

Reiss is a British citizen and has lived and worked in Germany for the past 6 years. Having experienced first-hand how difficult it is to integrate as a non-German speaking migrant in Germany, not only because of the bureaucracy but also because of the (working) culture, he supports MoreDiversity as a volunteer team member in the area of partnership development and community building. He advises on the topics of integration and relocation.

For the past 5 years, Reiss has worked as an Enterprise Business Consultant for SumUp and graduated with a degree in International Tourism Economics with focus on Business Management.

Stefanie Schramm (she/her)

Stefanie works as Marketing - and Community Manager and Consultant in Berlin and worldwide. She also is a single parent who deeply cares for her teenage son, who has learning disabilities and ADHD. Raised in Germany with a Brazilian mother and a German father, Stefanie is the first in her family to attend university and earn a degree.

Balancing self-employment and single parenthood has given Stefanie firsthand experience in managing work and supporting her son. She's acutely aware of the challenges in our educational system and the privilege she has in providing her son with extra resources.

Stefanie's goal is to promote a more empathetic and inclusive society, especially when it comes to offering additional support in specific situations, like parenting and education. Her journey as an entrepreneur and advocate reflects her commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of others.
Lisa Borchert

Lisa Borchert (she/her)

Lisa supports the MoreDiversity team on a voluntary basis. In addition to her role as Product Marketing Manager at the software company Haiilo in Hamburg, she was Diversity & Inclusion Officer at Haiilo for 1.5 years before taking parental leave.

With her support and work for MoreDiversity, Lisa wants to do her part to help her own child grow up in a more inclusive world where diversity is valued and encouraged.
Interested in getting involved?