MoreDiversity Pledge

…for fellow campaigners, employees, partners, supporters, individuals,

As part of the MoreDiversity non-profit movement, I am committed to

  • Support the mission of MoreDiversity, which strives for a diverse and inclusive society where prejudice and outdated role models no longer have a place.
  • To act according to the MoreDiversity approach: Change starts with me. Regardless of political changes, I am ready to make a difference today. I reflect on myself and open myself to the perspectives of people who have a very different life experience than I do. I strive to address grievances and discriminatory expressions – those that I experience myself as well as those that I observe. This requires courage and I will muster to contribute to a society where such courage is rewarded. I will work for a world in which rigid rules, traditional role models and existing power structures are challenged and replaced by openness and empathy. I believe that social change requires change at all levels, from the daycare center to the boardroom, from the individual to the political arena and economic landscape.

My pledge for more

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion =

More Reflection + More Empathy + More Courage + More Openness + More Respect and more Committment

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