
Female Leadership
Wiebke Ankersen (SHE/HER)
We need to get better at evaluating people regardless of their gender and recognizing their potential. We need to get away from these traditional role models and expectations. Only when we truly assess men and women according to their individual abilities and performance can there be equal opportunities.
Teddy Tewelde (He/Him)
My main goal is to instill optimism and hope in my students and give them space to explore new horizons.
Dr. jur Asmaa el Idrissi (she/her)
For me, diversity is an attitude beyond the factual meaning: the attitude of accepting people as they are, valuing them in the best case, and granting them equal opportunities and participation in resources.
Gender Equity
Juliana Groß (no pronouns/they)
We adults need to be more reflective of ourselves and our behavior in order to provide more opportunities for children to develop, whether it's in sports or career choices.
Dr. Max Appenroth (no pronouns/he)
Non-binary people are the definition of freedom in action!
Rebecka Heinz (she/her)
There is untapped potential in the new life experience of former cancer patients.
Juliane Seyhan (she/her)
For me, diversity and new work belong closely together. Because for real change, you need different perspectives.
Gender Equity
Miguel Diaz (he/him)
I believe that true equity is only possible when equal opportunities for achievement are available to all genders.
Emre Çelik (he/they)
We need to create more spaces where open conversations about discrimination and injustice can happen - without fear of retaliation.
Martina Neef (she/her)
Diversity, to me, is a big colorful fan of possibilities and variations.
Felizitas Lichtenberg (she/her)
For me, diversity and inclusion are above all about appreciation, respect for one another and respect for human rights. For this, we need much more openness, flexibility and self-reflection.
Dr. Henry Widera (he/him)
No digitization without digital IT and diversity!
Natalya Nepomnyashcha (she/her)
I wanted to change something in Germany because I myself grew up in poverty and had a difficult life. That's why I founded Netzwerk Chancen.
Richy Ugwu (he/him)
Where I went to school influences my career more than what country my parents are from.