
Anthony Owosekun (he/him)
Power sharing means sharing power and influence. It is aimed at people in privileged positions who want to and can use their power to change the unequal distribution of resources and opportunities.
#DiverseVoices: Dr. Max Appenroth (no pronouns/he)
So if children’s books had the power to shape children’s identities, then I would have to be straight today and identify with the gender I was assigned at birth.
Lena Helmling
#DiverseVoices: Lena Helmling (she/her)
At their best, children's books provide insights into other worlds and pick up on children's themes; they inspire imagination, impart knowledge and support language development.
Teddy Tewelde (He/Him)
My main goal is to instill optimism and hope in my students and give them space to explore new horizons.
Prof. Dr. Karim Fereidooni (he/him)
Collaboration between science and policy is essential for sustainable change.
Juliane Seyhan (she/her)
For me, diversity and new work belong closely together. Because for real change, you need different perspectives.
Dr. Julia Freudenberg (she/her)
It is the task of our society to prepare the new generation for a self-determined life in a changing digital society.
Gender Equity
Rachel Dowling (she/her)
I know women in the tech industry who have been openly talked down to.
Martina Neef (she/her)
Diversity, to me, is a big colorful fan of possibilities and variations.
Natalya Nepomnyashcha (she/her)
I wanted to change something in Germany because I myself grew up in poverty and had a difficult life. That's why I founded Netzwerk Chancen.