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6 Principles
Each and every one of us can actively work every day to create an inclusive, more equitable and tolerant environment where all people feel valued and significant.
Dr. jur Asmaa el Idrissi (she/her)
For me, diversity is an attitude beyond the factual meaning: the attitude of accepting people as they are, valuing them in the best case, and granting them equal opportunities and participation in resources.
David Yaw Debrah (he/him)
Every child should be given the chance to reach their potential.
Lara Stothfang (she/her)
We oppose the prejudice, stigmatization and the image that the media and society paint of students in a hotspot school.
Juliana Groß (no pronouns/they)
We adults need to be more reflective of ourselves and our behavior in order to provide more opportunities for children to develop, whether it's in sports or career choices.
Prof. Dr. Karim Fereidooni (he/him)
Collaboration between science and policy is essential for sustainable change.
Dr. Max Appenroth (no pronouns/he)
Non-binary people are the definition of freedom in action!
Michael Martens (he/him)
Inclusive language makes an inclusive society possible - Why language shapes our reality and actions.
Matthias Groß (he/him)
I wish for a world where all people can live how and where they want. Aren't we all first class people!?
Isabelle Hoyer (she/her)
Diversity is a fact wherever different people come together.
Juliane Seyhan (she/her)
For me, diversity and new work belong closely together. Because for real change, you need different perspectives.
Dr. Julia Freudenberg (she/her)
It is the task of our society to prepare the new generation for a self-determined life in a changing digital society.
Felix Daub (he/him)
The strength of our society is measured by how we treat the weakest.
Rachel Dowling (she/her)
I know women in the tech industry who have been openly talked down to.
Dr. Ricarda Engelmeier (she/her)
Parents need to engage in a real dialogue about the sharing of parental leave and care work and the planning of both careers.
Hanna Asmussen (she/her)
I strongly believe that homogeneous teams deliver worse results than a team with different backgrounds of experience, perspectives and nationalities.
Matthias Thönnessen (he/him)
We need a new image of masculinity - also to drastically reduce mortality among men.
Miguel Diaz (he/him)
I believe that true equity is only possible when equal opportunities for achievement are available to all genders.
Martina Neef (she/her)
Diversity, to me, is a big colorful fan of possibilities and variations.
Stuart Bruce Cameron (he/him)
Diversity is not a nice-to-have, but a must-have. Companies that don't understand this will be overtaken by the competition.
Almut Schnerring (she/her)
The root cause of gender inequality is the unfair distribution of care work.
Felizitas Lichtenberg (she/her)
For me, diversity and inclusion are above all about appreciation, respect for one another and respect for human rights. For this, we need much more openness, flexibility and self-reflection.
Kathrin Zeitler (she/her)
It's still the same homogeneous group calling the shots in the cultural industry.
Natascha Zeljko (she/her)
Diversity requires that you keep an open mind.
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